Saturday July 22, 2000
While Tiger Woods was making
history on the fabled Golf Links of St. Andrews, Scotland, 24 players
gathered at Le Metropolitain for the inaugural event of The Mulligan
Tour’s Montreal Chapter. What
started out as an overcast morning turned into a beautiful afternoon
for our event!
Low net honors went to Steve Kelly, with a gross score of 84 and a net
of 67. Runnerups were
Richard Green and Pete Harrison with 68’s.
Shot of the day goes to Dave Stotland for his 7 iron on the 158 yard
12th which ended up 8” from the cup!!
Great shot Stots!! Other closest to the pin winners were Ron Khanna (8’7”),
Bob ‘UFO’ Delaserra (10’) and Kirk Bledsoe (7’11”).
Long drive honors went to Perry ‘King Kong’ Karnofsky in the
‘A’ flight with a drive of 306 yards and Ron Lauder in the ‘B’
flight who hit it 272 yards!
A BIG thank you to all who came
out and/or helped out!!
Our next event WILL be a
memorable one…August 19th at Le Victorien.
Sign up fast as spaces will go
quickly!! There are MANY
surprises in store for the lucky participants!!